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Swedish National Radio Interview

This was a fun interview to do; Karin Gyllenklev was a great interviewer and we had a long…

HBR piece; “Can reputation come down to a number?”

A lot of the conversations I’ve been having around my book, Reputation Economics (MacMillan, Fall 2013) have brought…

CNN Money article: “3 entrepreneurs who felt they had no choice”

I had a blast writing this article, interviewing some of the smartest minds in business I know (Geoff…

Big in Malta!

So, so cool – I remember the local paper interviewing us while we were shooting in Malta. It’s…

Digital Vagabonds radio interview

I’d completely forgotten about this interview until someone contacted me about it recently and I was reminded about…

BBC article on Hacking Work

Check it out, the BBC published a piece I wrote on why it’s important to break the rules…

Stylus.com Interview

Stylus.com is the only business-to-business design & inspiration resource that provides validated, cross-vertical blah blah blah. I can’t…

Conservation Connections Interview

It’s always a joy to get interviewed by someone who loves the topic as much as you do….

Social-Engineer.org Interview

Had a great time doing a podcast interview with these guys; their approach is a decidedly functional mastery…

Simple Talk Interview

Richard Morris gave me a thorough going-over in this interview about how I started hacking, how to make…